

How do you get straight teeth in 3 months to about a year?

Old technology braces are usually square in shape and typically move the crown of the tooth in the first year, and the root of the tooth in the second year, thus requiring two years of braces treatment.

The Patented triangular design of the braces used at Fastbraces gently allows movement of the crown and root of the teeth at the same time, thus requiring one year of treatment instead of two.

Are the new technology patented braces more comfortable than the old braces?

It seems so. University research has shown "lower sensitivity" compared to the conventional braces tested and "the lowest frictional forces."

This may be because the patented braces used at Fastbraces typically work with just one orthodontic wire, start to finish, whereas old technology braces usually require a series of wires and tightening procedures. In addition, the wire used at Fastbraces is heat-activated and, although it applies low forces, it uprights the root of the tooth from the beginning of treatment and thus helps move the tooth safely, quickly and comfortably.

Are there any risks at Fastbraces compared to traditional braces?

No. There are no more risks of tooth or root problems than those associated with traditional braces. In fact, university research has shown very positive results. We believe this is due to the fact that at Fastbraces we move teeth with the patented braces technology gently with low forces. A special square Nickel- Titanium wire is activated by the heat of the mouth. It uprights the whole tooth in the natural mouth temperature in one stage in about a year and in some cases in just a few months.

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